Interdisciplinary Centre for Sustainability Research

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Sustainability Research (ICSR) is a department of the Institute of Environmental Engineering that conducts interdisciplinary research covering sustainable solutions, taking into account the economic and social aspects of the environment, not only in industrial systems but also at the level of various organizations.

ICSR implements the mission of APINI – To ensure the application of responsible solutions in the development of a sustainable society in Lithuania and in the World through advanced interdisciplinary research and constant dissemination of new knowledge.

The centre’s activities are based on interdisciplinary research combining environmental engineering, manufacturing engineering and business, with a focus on a preventive approach to environmental issues. Many years of research and expertise in sustainable development provide a sound basis for tackling global challenges through local means and innovation.

Researchers at the Institute of Environmental Engineering have 30 years of experience in sustainable development, conducting interdisciplinary sustainability research in a variety of sectors and supply chains, including resource efficiency, new product development and improvement, and Life cycle assessment in various industrial and other sectors of economic activity: resources – energy, water, materials, etc., food, construction, transport, agriculture, etc.

In carrying out international and national research projects, we cooperate with international and national research institutions and research centres of the European Union and other countries of the world, as well with the state institutions, non-governmental or other organizations and industrial enterprises.

ICSR activities:

  • Interdisciplinary research on sustainability;
  • Implementation of international and national research projects;
  • International cooperation in international networks of research and other organizations (UERA – Urban Europe Research Alliance, FSLCI – Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation, UNEP Life Cycle Initiative, WHO – World Health Organization, etc.)
  • Research in Environmental Engineering (T004) science branch at Kaunas University of Technology, Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Energy Institute in Joint Doctoral Studies and Double Degree with the University of Bologna (Italy);
  • Cooperation with KTU units in research, international and national research projects;
  • Dissemination of research to the public and other stakeholders.

dr. Jolanta Dvarionienė

Head of Centre
Gedimino g. 50, 1C3p korp., Kaunas
phone +370 37  300 767