Novel Roles of Regional and Local Authorities in Supporting Energy Consumers’ Behaviour Change towards a Low Carbon Economy (LOCARBO)


Project no.: PGI01568
Project website:

Project description:

The overall objective of LOCARBO is improving policy instruments targeting demand-driven ininitaives to increase energy efficiency related to the built environment.

Project funding:

2014-2020 m. Interreg EUROPE Programme

Project results:

Technologies of energy efficiency in buildings have been investigated in order to reduce the impact, while at the same time gaining economic and social benefits;
A methodology has been developed and adapted to assess the increase in resource efficiency of each region and reduce the impact on the environment.

Period of project implementation: 2016-04-01 - 2023-03-31

Project coordinator: Province of Potenza

Project partners: Basilicata Region, Kaunas University of Technology, Municipality of Avrig, Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit, Hungary, Durham County Council, Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Jolanta Dvarionienė

2016 - 2023

Institute of Environmental Engineering, Office of Resource Efficiency Management and Cleaner Production