TANGO-W is an applied research project that uses the concept of Urban Transformative Capacities (UTC) to evaluate cities’ potential for sustainability, specifically at the intersection of food, energy, and water systems. By doing so, the project aims to help cities tackle challenges associated with climate change and encourage more sustainable urban development.
Project funding:
EU Joint Programming Initiative “Urban Europe” ERA-Net Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC)
Project results:
TANGO-W results aim to support European cities becoming main drivers of change towards the energy transition. Results will benefit practitioners as well as policymakers, officials, civil sector stakeholders, local businesses, community groups, and citizens. TANGO-W’s capabilities and tools aim to attract and enrich future UTC experiments.
Period of project implementation: 2022-03-01 - 2025-02-28
Project coordinator: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Project partners: Halden commune (HAL), City of Stockholms Stad (STOCK), Marker commune (MARKER), International Project Management Agency Klagenfurt on Lake Worthersee GmbH (IPAK), 4ward Energy Research (4ER), Nordregio (NR), Smart Innovation Norway (SIN), W.E.I.Z. Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH (WEIZ), Climate KIC Holding BV (CKIC), Campus Roslagen AB, UCV (CR), Alytaus miesto savivaldybės administracija, Kaunas University of Technology